Zoom : a journey through water

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ideas lab, social sciences, water
About This Project

The “Yaku: Planeta Agua” open call for exhibition proposals gave our team the opportunity to present the conceptual, spatial and material framework for an exhibition that explores water at its different scales in our society. The Evolution Ecoengine team won the competition, and worked with the city water museum Yaku in the city of Quito to develop the exhibition. Based on the winning proposal our team developed the Museological-Museographic script. The resulting exhibition aimed to expose the importance of water at different scales in the daily life of any living being, also to conceptualize that we must have a relationship with water as a being. It begins with the World as the largest introductory scale and ends with the Person as the smallest closing scale. The rooms designated for the exhibition were iconic water reservoir vaults, which originally served as the main water supply for the city of Quito before the creation of the museum in the year 2005. These vaults despite being independent spaces are designed to be a connected narrative of transition between scales of water. The act of zooming in throughout the 6 vaults, the exhibition demonstrates the influence of water in different frames and its consumption in different activities which could be a waste or a function of its own environment.
With a total of 6 scales distributed in each vault of the museum, the proposal was audiovisual and interactive techniques that appeal to all types of audiences, but mainly children. The idea was for audiences to experiment in a range of sensorial activities how water travels from its natural origin to human use. This was to lead to a higher awareness of water and hence a better coexistence. The exhibition was executed by the museum team and private contractors, opening its doors to the public on August 2019.




Janina Sanchez
Alejandro Vinueza
Matthew Busscher